Research & Analysis

This is an exercise of researching and analysis on an existing website.
I chose the Ikea Planner Tools because I love the brand and this fantastic tool and I though this was a little bit unexploited.
This was an exercise for my studies.
I wasn't hired by Ikea to do any research or analysis.


I started with a competitive analysis based on heuristics and, to my understanding, the existing app was in the right way.


Nevertheless, I went on a user research to go deeper into the use of this particular app. I’ve done some interviews with brand users. And made some deliverables like: Personas and User Journey Map.
I've find interesting and positive feedback about the app usability. But a few percentage didn't know about the existence of this tool despite they visit Ikea's website very often.



Opportunities & Ideas



I've enjoyed very much doing this exercise. Some month later I found out that, by chance, Ikea had been working on improving this planner tool and launched a new tool with a new perspective that included the scan of your own room to try their furniture in there. Of course my evaluation was nothing to do with that, but I’m glad because I think that I put the attention in a real unexploited point with a lot of potential.
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